Houseplants: Your Gateway to Health and Happiness this Fall and Winter

As we bid farewell to summer and slowly welcome the embrace of the fall and winter seasons, spending more time indoors becomes inevitable. Ev, with her background in mental health, and now channeling that understanding into real estate, recognizes that plants can enhance not just the aesthetic of your home but also contribute significantly to your well-being.

During the pandemic, the trend of collecting and nurturing houseplants blossomed, especially among younger adults seeking to beautify limited spaces. The appeal is not just rooted in the vibrant communities like #PlantTok on TikTok that swap plant tips and cuttings but also in the multifaceted benefits plants bring to our lives. At this juncture, when the outdoors seems less inviting, it is an excellent time to explore the scientifically backed benefits of sharing your living space with plants.

The Unbe-leaf-able Benefits of Houseplants

Let’s delve into six remarkable benefits of having houseplants that are supported by research:

1. A Sanctuary of Calmness

Engaging with plants has been proven to reduce anxiety and stress, with individuals experiencing a drop in blood pressure and feeling more comfortable and soothed after tending to their green friends.

2. A Boost to Your Focus

Studies have shown that the presence of real plants in learning environments can enhance concentration and attention, proving to be a boon for both children and adults alike.

3. Speedier Recovery

The therapeutic effect of plants can potentially hasten recovery from illnesses and surgeries, offering not only a pleasing view but also diminishing the need for pain medications and reducing hospital stays.

4. A Dose of Happiness

Ever heard of the plant-loving community motto, “plants make people happy”? Well, it stands true, as spending time around plants can uplift your mood, increase self-esteem, and lead to greater life satisfaction.

5. Productivity at Its Peak

If you’re looking to enhance productivity while working from home, adding plants to your workspace might be the solution. Research indicates a significant increase in productivity with plants around.

6. Indoor Pleasure Amplified

As we brace ourselves for more indoor time in the coming seasons, plants can offer a valuable resource for mitigating depression and anxiety symptoms, promoting a sense of “being away” while staying at home.

Green Beginnings: How to Start Your Plant Journey

Transforming a ‘black thumb’ into a ‘green one’ is possible for everyone. If you are wondering where to begin, local garden shops can be your guiding light, offering advice on selecting and caring for plants. To help you kickstart your journey, here are some plants you might consider:

  • Snake Plants: Renowned for their resilience.

  • Microgreens: Quick to harvest and packed with nutrients.

  • Orchids: A bit tricky but worth the vibrant blossoms and uplifting fragrance.

  • Spider Plants: Easy to propagate and share with loved ones.

  • Peperomia Plants: Unique aesthetics with fleshy leaves.

  • Jade Plants: Easily regenerable and a testimony to the joy of growth.

Remember, nurturing plants is an art, entwined with learning and experiences, sometimes including the demise of a plant. Yet, the joy of watching a plant flourish because of your care is truly rewarding. To learn more about the exciting benefits of having houseplants, you can explore this comprehensive source.

Embarking on the green path is not just about bringing beauty into your living space but inviting joy, calm, and a bundle of health benefits. So, as we gear up to spend more time indoors, let’s make our homes a haven of greenery, a sanctuary that nurtures both plants and our well-being.

Ev Winningham